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Fall Into a Healthy Routine: Your Autumn Home Care Checklist for Caregivers

Every homeowner knows that each season comes with its own joys and challenges. When you become a caregiver for aging parents or other loved ones, your seasonal routines may look a little different than they did before. This quick checklist helps you stay on top of important safety measures for fall.

Safety Checks for Caregivers

Making sure your loved one's home is a safe, comfortable place helps them maintain some level of the independence they crave. It can also bring you peace of mind, knowing that you are doing everything in your power to ensure their safety.

  1. Outdoor tasks - Keeping pathways clear and free of debris is your first line of defense against falls. Prune the trees and clean the gutters. Repair railings and look for any tricky steps along every outside route. Finally, make sure every space is well-lit.
  2. Indoor tasks - Have your fireplace and furnace inspected by a professional. Check for leaks around the house and update pipe insulation where needed. Add extra lighting in darker areas such as hallways. All bathroom and kitchen flooring (or anywhere else there is tile or hard flooring) need non-slip upgrades.
  3. Emergency plan - Update your contact list for home health providers and any other caregivers you may need to reach out to. Consider an emergency alert system your senior family members can use easily when you are not around. Make sure your emergency kit is well-stocked and contains hand warmers and other cold-weather items.
  4. Fall cleaning - Change air filters and clean ducts to ensure good air quality during the upcoming winter. Make sure floors are clean and all rugs are secured in place to minimize the risk of falls.

Wellness Tips for Caregivers and Their Loved Ones

Each caregiver hopes that their family members will have the quality of life they deserve. There are several things you need to do each fall to make life easier and happier:

  • Schedule routine health care appointments
  • Use simple decorations to create a cozy environment
  • Plan a few fun seasonal activities for the whole family
  • Make sure you are getting the rest and self-care you need as you care for everyone else

Caregiver Resources

Being a caregiver is a big responsibility. The staff at Home Helpers of Drexel Hill is here to provide support where you need it. Fill out the form on our website to schedule a free assessment.
