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3 Issues That May Arise When Caretaking

A caregiver is someone who provides assistance and support to someone else and may be either paid or unpaid. Often, this provider is an adult who agrees to look after an older family member. Many people do this out of love and a sense of obligation, but they should be aware that there are some challenges that come with caretaking. Here are three issues that may arise when someone takes care of a member of their family long-term.

1. Caregiver Fatigue and Burnout

People often hear about burnout in the healthcare industry where nurses and other staff members have a large number of patients. However, burnout can happen to nonprofessionals when caring for a senior family member as well, especially when the caretaker has children or other obligations of their own. To help prevent fatigue and subsequent burnout, caretakers can do the following:

  • Make sure to set aside enough time to get proper sleep each night
  • Arrange for another family member or close family friend to care for the person one day every couple of weeks or so
  • Look into organizations that support caretakers of family members and give them an opportunity to talk with one another

A caregiver cannot properly provide assistance to others if they do not care for themselves first.

2. Jealousy From Other Family Members

Caring for an older relative is hard work, but this may not stop some family members from becoming jealous of the amount of time the caregiver spends with the senior family member. Getting along during this trying time can be difficult, especially when siblings and other relatives never got along well previously. However, everyone should remember that it is in their older loved one's best interest to continue to communicate in a positive manner.

3. Feelings of Being Disconnected

Although caretakers are around the person they take care of for many hours of the day, it is still possible for them to start feeling lonely and disconnected from the world outside of caretaking. This is especially true if the caregiver has to forgo seeing friends or engaging in hobbies that they had prior to taking on the role of caregiver. Caretakers should pay close attention to their thoughts and feelings and seek professional help if they start to feel depressed, anxious, resentful or angry.

Get Help as a Caregiver

If you are a caregiver who needs help with helping others, contact Home Helpers of Drexel Hill to learn more about how we can assist you.
